Sustainable Bitcoin Mining.
It’s just the start.

At Aston Capitals, we believe technology can, and will, change the world.

We believe The Fourth Industrial Revolution will improve the quality of life of all.

So long as we do it right.

Doing it right means starting and scaling sustainably from the start.
Not bolting it on as an afterthought.

Doing it right means leaving green footprints wherever we go,
and looking ahead so we’re proud of what we leave behind.

At Aston Capitals, we’re committed to getting it right. Starting with sustainably-mined bitcoin.

We are a visionary,
scalable infrastructure company

We are a Bitcoin mining company that builds, owns and operates data
center infrastructure with a focus on entry into regions where we can access
abundant and/or under-utilised renewable energy to power our operations.
We support local communities, as well as the decarbonisation
of energy markets and the global Bitcoin network.

We are global leaders in sustainable bitcoin mining

We’re focussed on low-cost renewables
We target entry into regions where there are low-cost, abundant and attractive
renewable energy sources, and where we can support local communities.

We have long-term security over infrastructure, land and power supply
We own our electrical infrastructure and data centers.
This provides us with security and operational control over our assets.
We also focus on grid-connected power access which help to ensure we are
able to utilize a reliable, long-term supply of power.

We mitigate the downside
We deliberately positioned ourselves at the lower end of the bitcoin mining cost curve.
This allows us to benefit if high-cost producers become uneconomic if the bitcoin price falls.

Our management team is well-seasoned
We are a team with an unrivaled track record of success across energy, infrastructure,
renewables, finance, digital assets and data centers.

We operate in regional and remote locations

We target development in regions where we can access abundant and/or under-utilised
renewable energy. In the case of our flagship data center operation

in British Columbia, Canada, this is hydroelectricity.

Because our operations are naturally geographically flexible it means we are able to offer
the (re)introduction of local employment and economic activity to regional and remote
areas and communities that are often experiencing financial hardship due

to declining manufacturing or industrial operations.

Key Figures

data centre in
British Columbia, Canada.
of operating and contracted nameplate
hashrate capacity
near-term growth pipeline
across Western Canada,
Central USA and Asia-Pacific.
nameplate hardware efficiency
upon deployment of contracted hardware

We own and operate a 30MW Bitcoin mining data centre project in British Columbia, Canada.